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What we offers

Pinandhita 論理型 offers services for Japanese-English and Japanese-Indonesian translation. Right now, we’re focusing on doujinshi/manga translation, but we’re open for other textual (as in having a script to work on, rather than strictly text-format) products as well.

What is a doujinshi, you ask?

What popularly referred as “doujinshi” or “doujin” are pornographic manga or other textual-visual products, though that is not necessarily correct.

From Wikipedia:


Doujinshi (同人誌), also romanized as dōjinshi, is the Japanese term for self-published print works, such as magazines, manga, and novels. Part of a wider category of doujin (self-published) works, doujinshi are often derivative of existing works and created by amateurs, though some professional artists participate in order to publish material outside the regular industry.

As stated above, the definition of doujinshi strictly applied to self-published works, while in the global community, be it from e-hentai or scraper websites like nhentai, it might also refers to pornographic manga that is published professionally through serial magazines like COMIC KAIRAKUTEN or COMIC X-EROS, to name a few. The definition also does not specify the content of the product–whether it is original or derivative (based on preexisting works), or is it a hentai/r18 works or not.

In this case, we’re using the broader, combined definition of the term–doujinshi as in r18 self-published works and manga, and also non-r18/non-h self-published works.

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